
  • Proprietary product developed and manufactured by C. Williams

  • Liquid form of ROC

  • Visual Color: Red liquid

  • Developed from non-hazardous inorganic compounds -environmentally friendly

  • Scavenger Technology to clean air discharge, liquid, and granular formulations

  • Effective on any radioactive metals or environmentally hazardous metals

  • Neutralizes radioactivity from tank leaks into groundwater, spills, tailings, heavy water, buildings, tools and other materials

  • One and done application

Protectorate Cost and Time Savings:

Extremely fast neutralizing the radiation

Radiation does not return

Protects the environment and inhabitants from dangerous radiation

Eliminates the need/cost for vitrification

Eliminates the need/cost for transportation to repository dump sites

Eliminates the need/cost of regulated repository disposal sites

Immediately return the “cleaned” material to the ground free from radiation and environmentally safe

More Information: Hoke Shuler (843) 696-1212 or Email: HokeShuler@gmail.coom