Quantum Physics Technology
Quantum Physics Technology has developed the first quantum level products and processes that fundamentally change radioactive and hazardous metals into a stable form. By doing this, there is no need for vitrification, repositories, or expensive transportation costs.
Our advances in nuclear power safety designs improve safety by 50% in case of an emergency. With our designs, Chernobyl and Fukushima would have never happened. Additionally our products, Protectorate and ROC, neutralize nuclear and other hazardous waste on contact. No one else in the industry has products like this. Contact us, today.
Imagine, this could all be gone...
Charles Williams, CEO
Charles Williams, CEO Quantum Physics Technology and the inventor of two cutting edge products is no stranger to the remediation process for radioactive elements or hazardous metals. His products are not metal specific. Williams has been working with these products for over 10 years without incident and completely removing some of the nastiest radioactive and hazardous metals out there.
His products come in a liquid form and a solid form depending on the type of process that is needed. Charles has had his products tested at Clemson University in South Carolina by the Nuclear Engineering Laboratories by Brian Powell, Environmental Nuclear Engineer. Williams has also had TCLP tests done by GEL, Labs. Williams has passed the TCLP test every time it has been used, and has never had to place any of the cleaned products into a specialized repository.
"The process is quite simple. We need a sample, we adjust the chemistry to the sample's make-up, and it's ready to go", says Williams. When asked if Williams is afraid of what will happen when his products are used inside nuclear reactors, nuclear waste tanks, soil, air, and water and etc.; Williams said, "Not at all because nothing leaves my lab until I am positive what is going to happen when the product is used. If I dump my product into a 1,000 gallon tank of nuclear waste, I already know the outcome thru my tests. In an hour or so, radioactivity will be gone and the hazardous metals are gone with it."
Using Williams products, you have a complete "one and done" process, and the radiation never returns because we fundamentally changed the element. "It's quick, easy to use, and set it and forget it process." said Williams
After 10 years of working with this product, science has finally explained what he knew 10 years ago. Williams has been working at a quantum level to fundamentally change the radioactive or hazardous metals into a different element by manipulating the electrons and the protons of the atoms. The element is environmentally friendly and does not need to be dumped or transported to a repository.
For example, if QPT were working with Uranium, we fundamentally change the element, when tested, and Uranium (in any form) is non-detectable.
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More Information: Hoke Shuler (843) 696-1212 or Email: HokeShuler@gmail.com